Implantable Brain Device Cures Epilepsy|埋め込み型脳内デバイスでてんかんを治す

It is almost a frightening scientific and technological advancement…. A medical device has been developed that dramatically reduces seizure symptoms in patients with chronic epilepsy, which until now was considered nearly impossible to cure. Although neurosurgery is required because the device is placed directly over the brain, considering the fact that patients with this condition

【project】Smartphone app that predicts the air quality for chronic asthma patients; the final spurt!|慢性喘息患者向けスマホアプリ開発ラストスパート!

As I reported in the past, we at UM (University of Malaya) are responsible for sub-projects in ASEAN in the bigger RESPIRE project led by the University of Edinburgh Medical School in the UK. One of the projects is creating a smartphone application for chronic asthma patients to prevent asthma attacks by capturing data on

Screw the “genetic mess”!|糞くらえ「遺伝子ガチャ」! It’s really important, daily physical activity and exercise. That is the result of a large study that found that environmental factors may reverse the effect of genetic risks for a longer or shorter life span. “The researchers maintain that their results indicate that genetic risks for a shorter lifespan may be offset by a

【project】Smartphone app to improve the QOL of chronic asthma patients coming to a climax!|慢性喘息患者のQOL向上スマホアプリ開発いよいよ佳境に!

This project is one of the efforts at Universiti Malaya as part of the RESPIRE project led by the University of Edinburgh Medical School in the UK. We are currently in the process of reviewing the interface and core functionality of the app, and are now entering the climax of the project, incorporating feedback from

【project】stakeholder engagement meeting for asthma app|喘息アプリのための関係者フォーカスグループ会議

On the 29th of the leap year, we had a stakeholder engagement meeting (so called focus group) with patients with chronic asthma, who are the intended users of a smartphone app that is currently being developed by our mixed team of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of

【webinar】What is “SDM”: A lecture for medical professionals and patients/families vol.1|医療者・患者/家族向けの「SDMとは」講義その1

Last night, as part of a seminar series titled “Blood Cancer Know-it-all Night” organized by CNJ (Cancer Net Japan), I gave a two-hour talk on “Shared Decision-Making (SDM),” a framework for reaching a consensus that is acceptable to both medical professionals and patients/families in a difficult decision-making setting in healthcare. I am in charge of

【webinar】Bioethics in healthcare research|医学研究における生命倫理

Recently, I have been touching on bioethics, or rather ethics in medical/healthcare research. Yesterday, I participated in a lunch talk, “Why the World Needs Bioethics and Why Bioethics Needs the World,” hosted by the Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) at the University of Malaya (UM) Faculty of Medicine. The lecturer was Prof. Dr. Jeffrey

wasabi can boost memory function?|ワサビで記憶力増強? This is a pretty good story! It’s a report on an experiment at Tohoku University showing that Wasabi, a Japanese spice that is the pride of Japan (it’s on sushi all the time!), boosts memory in the elderly. It seems that a rare substance called 6-MSITC contained in Wasabi is responsible for this effect.