Depression is not a “mental symptom”|うつ病は「精神症状」にあらず

The interdependence of body and mind has been increasingly understood in recent years in the West. In the East, it has long been known as “mind-body unity” in the world of religion and martial arts, but when the scalpel of western science is once again inserted into this statement, it gets far more convincing.

This is a report from the University of Toronto, the world ranker university which has strong research capabilities. Depression symptoms and physical activity affect each other, where more physical activity can lead to fewer depression symptoms, and vice versa. In other words, psychological symptoms and activities are not a solo factors in the development of depression. It’s physical. So in a scenario, physical activity drops dramatically when depressive symptoms are strong. Hence, here comes even more being depressed. This is easy to understand.

Already, physical activity is effective in preventing lifestyle-related diseases and is even more important in maintaining a healthy mental state now. Really, all I can do is reflect on this, but we, middle-aged folks, need to rethink the enormous meaning of exercise (and actually need to do it).

近年どんどん理解されてきた身体と精神との相互依存関係ですね 。東洋では昔から「心身一如」として宗教や武道の世界では常識でしたけど、やはり、そこに改めて科学のメスが入ると説得力は半端ないです。

世界的に強力な研究能力を持つトロント大学からの報告です。「Depression symptoms and physical activity affect each other, where more physical activity can lead to fewer depression symptoms, and current depression can reduce future physical activity.」というもの。

つまり、 うつ病 やうつ症状の出方には身体的なアクティビティが極めて大きく関与しており、より多くの身体活動は、実際に うつ症状の数を落とす。そしてその逆もしかりで、うつ 症状が強く出てしまうと身体的活動がガクンと落ちる。故にさらに落ち込む。こちらも理解しやすいですよね。

生活習慣病の予防に関してもちろん有効だし、メンタル 状態を健康に保つ意味においても、なおさら重要な身体的活動です。本当に、反省しかないんですけど、エクササイズの巨大な意味を、もう一度考えてみたいですね。

(Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

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