I appear in various settings online and offline. The domains where you find me are digital health, innovation, leadership, cognitive science, mindfulness, and Buddhism. Sometimes they are pure academic, other times more practical like in business contexts, and yet sometimes in religious settings, too. 20 of the most recent post on my activities are here below (直近の20記事を下に):
(For more past posts click here.|かなり昔の過去投稿も含めた全体はこちら)
- 【education】Farewell dinner of eHealth|eHealthお別れ会!
- 【webinar】Certificate of Appreciation for the webinar for medical students back in May|5月に行った医学部生向けwebinarの感謝状が届く
- 【education】Last day of UM!|UM勤務最終日!
- 【salon】Relation of religion and science to politics, especially war|宗教と科学の政治との関係、戦争責任
- 【project】the 2nd phase of MyCR@UM has started|MyCR@UMプロジェクト第2期開始!
- 【salon】Does Pure Land lie beyond euthanasia?|安楽死の向こうに浄土はあるのか?
- 【education】Steering Committee Meeting for Self-Instructional Material (SIM)|修士コース教材の開発のための広域会議
- 【salon】Hero brain and villain brain|仏教と科学のサロンNo.52:ヒーロー脳とヴィラン脳
- 【project】Online Demo of Clinical Registry Building System for Specialists at UM|臨床レジストリ構築システムをUM附属病院の専門医向けにオンラインデモ
- 【salon】How many times have we visited back? Mādhyamaka and Yogācāra!|何度目の再訪?中観と唯識!
- 【project】Smartphone app that predicts the air quality for chronic asthma patients; the final spurt!|慢性喘息患者向けスマホアプリ開発ラストスパート!
- 【webinar】Webinar on Health Informatics for Medical Students|医学部生向けにヘルスインフォマティクス講義
- 【webinar】Talking about the clinical registry at a regular lunch webinar at eHealth Unit|定例ランチウェビナーにて臨床レジストリを語る
- 【life】a day trip to Malacca|マラッカ日帰り旅行
- 【education】Online Distance Learning Content for “Master of Digital Health” Soon to be Completed|「デジタル医療」修士課程オンライン遠隔授業コンテンツじき完成!
- 【life】Clean monorail for fine Thai cuisine.|高級タイ料理にはきれいなモノレールで
- 【project】Smartphone app to improve the QOL of chronic asthma patients coming to a climax!|慢性喘息患者のQOL向上スマホアプリ開発いよいよ佳境に!
- 【project】Hands-on session of our clinical registry builder for specialists|専門医のための臨床レジストリビルダーの説明会と録画
- 【project】stakeholder engagement meeting for asthma app|喘息アプリのための関係者フォーカスグループ会議
- 【webinar】What is “SDM”: A lecture for medical professionals and patients/families vol.1|医療者・患者/家族向けの「SDMとは」講義その1
For more posts click here.|過去投稿も含めた全体はこちら

In the midst of the 1st Covid-19 lock-down in Japan, a good Kamakura friends of mine, Yuichi Yamashita, who is CEO of Human Potential Lab, asked me to have a webinar with him about “human potential of the 21st century.” I shared some tips and hints from cognitive science there. It sounds like the webinar has been widely, positively received, and the link still pops up among Google search results often. So I’ve attached it here.
「人類の可能性へ|ウェビナーvol. 12」
下記は、2019年11月に、落合陽一さんの「Weekly Ochiai」で「禅・マインドフルネス〟を考える」と題した鼎談に参加したときの模様。私の坐禅/マインドフルネス瞑想の師匠でもある山下良道老師、それにずっとお会いしたかった安泰寺のネルケ無方老師とご一緒できて幸せな時間でした。何でも、2019年の「Weekly Ochiai」の中で最も視聴回数が多かった人気回だったようです。
Also the attached here is from “Weekly Ochiai” run by Dr. Yoichi Ochiai, one of the most famous TV personalities and academics today in Japan. The live discussion program was titled “Zen and Mindfulness,” and beside myself, it summoned two well-known Buddhist monks in the worlds of Zen and Mindfulness: Rev. Ryodo Yamashita (my sifu for mindfulness meditation) and Rev. Noelke Muho. I had such a great time. BTW, the program received the most views among Ochiais in the year.