WHO I am: Expertise
Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.
Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.
Shows a list that has both physical and online lectures and events where you can spot me.
(info source: https://gizmodo.com/singapore-roach-named-after-pokemon-nocticola-pheromosa-1850212824)(img source: The Pokemon Company) According the newspaper article, the newly discovered roach was first found in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve near the center of Singapore years earlier, then with intensive DNA checks against other types, the scientists concluded it was indeed a new species: Nocticola pheromosa. I, as a Japanese, am
The National University of Singapore, no.1 university across Asia in the past 10 years, has lots of institutions on and off campus to help create innovations to meet academic, industry, and the society’s needs. In the medical and healthcare domains, there are 2 tops that are most active: The Institute for Digital Medicine (WisDM) at
Last Friday we had a public forum organized by UM FoM and Dept of Engineering. The project is called “EMPOWeRED, ” and it stands for “Educate, Monitor, and Predict Outcomes With Research in Dengue.” Hey, a good naming! I’m part of the project team, and Dr. Chin Hai Teo from our eHealth Unit was there
Today we had a Zoom meeting for brief progress report in RESPIRE Asthma Project in Klang Valley. Prof Dr Ping Yein and myself attended from UM eHealth. We have some issues to extract data in TPC-OHCIS system to feed to Asthma Registry we’ll be building, but we’ll have some solutions for sure. Thanks much Jay
(info source: https://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/how-does-loneliness-affect-the-brain/)(img source: Alexander Spatari/Getty Images) “We’ve adapted to feel safer and more secure when we feel like we’re not alone.” Absolutely. Loneliness, or I’d say “our perception of being lonely” to be more scientific, affects our brain that naturally impacts how we behave. And of course, the effect is damn negative all the
The publisher just sent me this certificate (?) to notify it’s been one of those well-cited articles during the time. I’m glad to know that. It actually was the final work of mine back in Japan, so kind of memorable. I started working on that while I still belonged to Keio University Faculty of Medicine,
今回のテーマは「Field of Dreams」と、随分昔のハリウッド映画を軸に持って来てのお話でした。本来は「夢は叶う」というときのpositiveな「dreams/夢」を語ろうという意図だったのですが、性根が少々捻じれている二人のこと、すぐに、「夢は何もpositivceなものばかりではない」「悪夢も含めて『叶う』ことは本当にいいことか?」とツッコミが入り、開始すぐに「nightmare」の方の夢、つまりは「悪夢」にフォーカスが当たることに。
(info source: https://www.monash.edu.my/pages/latest/articles/2023/appointment-of-chief-executive-officer-monash-university-malaysia-and-pro-vice-chancellor-and-president-malaysia ) I know. I know it’ll happen. Dato’ Professor Adeeba Kamarulzaman at UM (Universiti Malaya) is moving to her new place. It seems to me she has been on move of getting outside. So when I first saw the news, it was no surprising to me. (Her new position being CEO was
今回の「仏教と科学のサロン」のテーマは「念仏について」でした。もともとは、Gwenさんに投げかけられた質問「念仏とアフォメーションは似たようなものなのか?」を考えてみよう、というものだったのですが、予想以上に深く広く議論が展開できまして、「身体性」と「修行論」の辺りの話がたくさんできたような気がします。 今後もこの辺りをテーマに深く慎重に話せたら、あまりに伝統的な「念仏の在り方」に固執しがちな保守的な組織(これは対談時にも出ましたが、「京都に土台を持つ長い歴史を持つ組織」には横断的に見られる傾向だと思います)に、新しい風を吹き込め、より21世紀にフィットした打開点が見つかるかもしれないと話しました。