The eHealth Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and a private 3rd party vendor, has completed the first phase of this MyCR@UM project, after demonstrating the web system in June and July to UM specialists interested in clinical registry research. The first phase of the project, which was scheduled to last until the first half of 2024, has been completed.
So to begin the 2nd phase, a meeting was held online, as usual. The first step of the 2nd phase will be to incorporate the modifications requested by doctors after the demo, while adding functionality and ease of use interface that are not available in REDCap, which is our “hypothetical rival” in order to scale the initial user body. We also plan to add features such as the ability to easily design and synchronize mobile surveys by patients to the core registry system. Beyond that, we are ambitious enough to build a larger healthcare digital ecosystem by maintaining data interoperability with other systems.
I hope to continue to be involved in this project as a visiting faculty member after I leave UM.
我々医学部のeHealth Unitが、工学部のコンピューター学科および民間システム会社と共同で行ってきたMyCR@UMプロジェクト。6・7月時点での完成システムを、臨床レジストリ研究に興味を持つUMの専門医たちにデモを行ないフィードバックを得たことで、今年上半期まで予定していた第1フェーズが終わりました。