Today, at 1:00 PM, I joined A/Professor TK of the Faculty of Computer Science in the School of Software Development as part of UMeHealth’s regular lunchtime webinar. The content, of course, was about the “MyCR@UM” (the “My” here stands for “Malaysia” and “My”) project, of which he is the technical lead and I am the overall supervisor. The chair was of course, A/Prof Pang, our Unit leader.
In the first 2/3 of the webinar, I explained the overview and achievement of the National Clinical Database — one of the largest clinical registries in the world linked to a medical board of certification system — in which I was heavily involved in Japan for 7 years, and talked about how I mobilized my knowledge and experience to connect it to the project in Malaysia. In the latter 1/3 of the presentation, Prof TK gave a good overview of the history of MyCR@UM and described its core features and the progress of the system, as well as future developments to come. It seemed that specialists at UM Medical Center and other stakeholders interested in the clinical registry attended our meeting. We hope to see more “pull” in the future.
前半の2/3は、私が7年間強く関与したNational Clinical Database~専門医制度と連携した臨床レジストリでは世界最大のものの1つ~の概要と達成について説明し、その知識と経験を動員してマレーシアでのプロジェクトに繋げてきた話を。後半の1/3ではTKが、MyCR@UMの歴史を概観し、システムの特徴と進捗、そして今後の動きについて説明しました。臨床レジストリに興味を持つ専門医などが参加してくれたみたいで、今後の「引き」を期待したいですね。