【education】Online Distance Learning Content for “Master of Digital Health” Soon to be Completed|「デジタル医療」修士課程オンライン遠隔授業コンテンツじき完成!

Today, the busy members of the eHealth Unit and I worked together on the “Master of Digital Health” program, which has been in the making for about a year now, and we are almost completing the essential ODL (Open and Distant Learning) content for this online distance learning course. Since there are members who are also committing in clinical practice, it is difficult to make a steady progress by just saying, “Let’s proceed by ourselves,” so we fixed a meeting room and set this “protected time” and all went there to get stuck in. Man, this is an interesting practice!

We have one member of the Academic Development and Enhancement Centre (ADEC) there, which is a group of experts who assist in the creation of ODLs, available to answer any questions that we may have. Universiti Malaya has an internally developed education system called “Spectrum,” an ODL creation and classroom management platform, which allows faculty members for easy embedding of video and audio into content, as well as the creation of quizzes and discussion places, and etc. We may call It like “WordPress with a bunch of plug-ins” (the figure above shows a part of the creation interface). Our content creation is now in its final stage!! Let’s keep it up.

今日は、忙しいeHealth Unitの面々と、かれこれ1年は続いている「Master of Digital Health」修士課程プログラムの作成作業のうち、オンライン遠隔授業で用いるODL(Open and Distant Learning)コンテンツ作成の追い込みを行いました。臨床もやっているメンバーがいるため、「各自で進めましょう」では中々進まないため、「protected time」と称して会議室を借りて、そこに自ら缶詰になりにいきます。面白い慣習だなぁ。

そこには、ODL作成を支援する専門家の集まりであるADEC(the Academic Development and Enhancement Centre)のメンバー1人に来てもらい、質問があればいつでも聞けるようにしました。Universiti Malayaには、このODLの作成/運営プラットフォームである「Spectrum」というシステムが内部開発されており、それを用いることで、コンテンツへの動画や音声の埋め込みだけでなく、小テストの作成やディスカッション機能の敷設などが簡易にできるようになっています。「たくさんplug-inを積んだWordPress」と言えば分かりやすいでしょうか(図は作成画面の一部)。コンテンツ作成も、いよいよ大詰めです!

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