【salong】Does Pure Land lie beyond euthanasia?|安楽死の向こうに浄土はあるのか?

It is a very serious topic, we know. However, recent enactments of laws in Switzerland and Canada that lower the hurdles for “death with dignity” will make it impossible to avoid serious discussions in Japan in the near future. In those Western countries, in addition to “bioethics” as an academic discipline, the discussion is also strongly influenced by the Christian framework. Is it possible to deepen the discussion by adding the essence of Buddhism to it?

Since there were only a few participants this time, we asked everyone to share their own experiences on this topic and think deep about it together. I believe that Professor Dr. Shizuka Sasaki of Hanazono University’s famous “Personal Views on Suicide” was very helpful and guided the dialogue. We’ll be back on it again.



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