WHO I am: Expertise
Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.
Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.
Shows a list that has both physical and online lectures and events where you can spot me.
As is well known, Estonia is a Baltic nation with only 140 million population, but it has one of the most advanced “e-nations” on the planet earth. Recently Estonia has organized a meeting with other EU delegates to discuss “digital identity,” which will be crucial for digital health applications in the future. The original article
A week roundup. Thank you Assoc Prof Adam Dunn of University of Sydney for the fruitful discussions and sharing sessions and giving so many great ideas. We’re looking forward to your next visit back to Malaysia. シドニー大学からAdam Dunn博士が来てくれて1週間。たくさんのセッションで多くの素晴らしいアイデアをシェアすることができました。心から感謝します。マレーシアへのまたの機会を楽しみにしております!
SingHealth and Duke-NUS delegate from Singapore came over to Faculty of Medicine at Universiti Malaya today. It was a full-day meeting where we presented what we’ve been doing in areas of digital health, medical humanities, and epidemiology. We usually don’t have a chance to learn what other units are doing in Faculty of Medicine, so
「刹那滅」来ましたね!これまでのサロンでもちらちらと登場したコンセプトですが、テーマにしたのは初めてかも知れませんね。 この言葉を聞くと、私などはすぐにヴァスバンドゥ(世親)の唯識での扱い→ チャンドラキールティー(月称)の常住論批判での活用、(そしてチベット密教への展開)という、2人の天才仏教哲学者の思索を思い出して、脳みそが沸騰しそうになりますが…。今回、浄土真宗文脈の中でこれを出すというご門主のかじ取りに大いに期待いたします!むろん、浄土教の文脈では「天親菩薩」として重要視されるヴァスバンドゥ老師ですので、彼の唯識をおさえつつも、21世紀に生きる我々にどうマインドフルな福音となるのか、楽しい対談ができればと思っております!(と、ハードルを上げて置く。)
With my colleague including Dr. Norita, I went to visit a governmental clinic in Klang. We are a team of researchers in and outside UM that takes a subpart in bigger RESPIRE project of the University of Edinburgh. Our mission is to build a clinical registry on asthma patients in Klang Valley and run it,
As I’m new to the world of digital health and ehealth in Malaysia, I need to learn more about what’s been going on quickly. On my search for digital health activities among universities in Malaysia, I spotted Dr. Watterson of Monash University Malaysia. And you know what is more interesting? She is the alum of
My colleagues and I went to attend this rather big event at MRANTI , Bukit Jalil. It was the official kick-off event run by MRANTI, Ministry of Health, and other ministries, about Malaysia’s launching of NTIS HealthTech Hub. This was my first time to see the Minister in person. Sure I’m still cannot understand what
Today we at eHealth Unit of Universiti Malaya welcomed visit of MRANTI team, Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI), which is Malaysia’s central research & innovation commercialization agency. It happened ‘cuz of our mentor Prof. Dr. Adeeba’s reference. Thanks to CEO Mdm. Dzuleira Abu Bakar and CEDO (Chief Ecosystem Development Officer) Mr. Safuan