【webinar】Webinar on Health Informatics for Medical Students|医学部生向けにヘルスインフォマティクス講義

This time, I gave a webinar to a lecture request in the “Health Informatics/Health Informatics” program designed for students of the UM (University of Malaya) Faculty of Medicine. However, the organizer, Prof Nasriah, who now teaches in Saudi Arabia, and myself and Prof Pang are all colleagues in the eHealth Unit anyways. Only Prof Sarinder,

【webinar】Talking about the clinical registry at a regular lunch webinar at eHealth Unit|定例ランチウェビナーにて臨床レジストリを語る

Today, at 1:00 PM, I joined A/Professor TK of the Faculty of Computer Science in the School of Software Development as part of UMeHealth’s regular lunchtime webinar. The content, of course, was about the “MyCR@UM” (the “My” here stands for “Malaysia” and “My”) project, of which he is the technical lead and I am the

【education】Online Distance Learning Content for “Master of Digital Health” Soon to be Completed|「デジタル医療」修士課程オンライン遠隔授業コンテンツじき完成!

Today, the busy members of the eHealth Unit and I worked together on the “Master of Digital Health” program, which has been in the making for about a year now, and we are almost completing the essential ODL (Open and Distant Learning) content for this online distance learning course. Since there are members who are

【project】Smartphone app to improve the QOL of chronic asthma patients coming to a climax!|慢性喘息患者のQOL向上スマホアプリ開発いよいよ佳境に!

This project is one of the efforts at Universiti Malaya as part of the RESPIRE project led by the University of Edinburgh Medical School in the UK. We are currently in the process of reviewing the interface and core functionality of the app, and are now entering the climax of the project, incorporating feedback from

【project】Hands-on session of our clinical registry builder for specialists|専門医のための臨床レジストリビルダーの説明会と録画

As we have previously reported, our eHealth Unit registry team at the Faculty of Medicine has been working with faculty from the Software Engineering Department to develop a system that will allow specialist doctors to design a clinical registry easily and flexibly. Now that the beta testing has been completed, we have started to put

【project】stakeholder engagement meeting for asthma app|喘息アプリのための関係者フォーカスグループ会議

On the 29th of the leap year, we had a stakeholder engagement meeting (so called focus group) with patients with chronic asthma, who are the intended users of a smartphone app that is currently being developed by our mixed team of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of

【webinar】What is “SDM”: A lecture for medical professionals and patients/families vol.1|医療者・患者/家族向けの「SDMとは」講義その1

Last night, as part of a seminar series titled “Blood Cancer Know-it-all Night” organized by CNJ (Cancer Net Japan), I gave a two-hour talk on “Shared Decision-Making (SDM),” a framework for reaching a consensus that is acceptable to both medical professionals and patients/families in a difficult decision-making setting in healthcare. I am in charge of

【project】Beta Testing of a Generic Clinical Registry Builder|汎用臨床レジストリビルダーのベータテスト

Since last July, a very interesting, meaningful collaboration has been going on with the Software Engineering Department of Universiti Malaya, where I am affiliated. It is a rather complex project that also serves as an assignment project for PhD students there. In short, we are creating a “builder” that can help us design clinical registries

【webinar】Bioethics in healthcare research|医学研究における生命倫理

Recently, I have been touching on bioethics, or rather ethics in medical/healthcare research. Yesterday, I participated in a lunch talk, “Why the World Needs Bioethics and Why Bioethics Needs the World,” hosted by the Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) at the University of Malaya (UM) Faculty of Medicine. The lecturer was Prof. Dr. Jeffrey