Digital Health & Innovation etc.

My name is Nori Hirahara, PhD, and I'm Associate Professor of eHealth Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). In academic settings, my work is to use ICT to improve the quality of healthcare for patients and community, while supporting innovations in healthcare industry. Trained in cognitive and decision sciences, I also have expertise in medical decision-making. I'm also known for numerous public lectures on mindfulness in leadership, cognitive science in daily life, and Buddhist psychology.

WHO I am: Expertise

Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.

WHAT I do: Work

Tracks past and current work in entrepreneurial and academic areas.

WHERE I am spotted: Activities

Shows a list that has both physical and online lectures and events where you can spot me.

How to overcome your impostor syndrome

(info source: Every once awhile, we all experience so-called impostor syndrome. However, when super athletes in a big game, entrepreneurs at high stakes situations, and leaders in general are with it, it’s pretty much devastating. A talk is around what exactly is the nature of the syndrome and how to overcome it. Using your

Effective science communication according to a famous actor

(info source: It’s got something to do with “misinformation” and “hype in science.” It’s always difficult for us to convey scientific knowledge and applications correctly to the general audience. When we fail it, we will have more dangerous chance to have them prone to misinformation that sneaks into our society for bad. Mr. Alan

Gratitude works…but how?

There has been a rich body of scientific literature that shows how gratitude works well for our body, mind, and relationship with others. 6 new studies further show details of how gratitude works. Read them to recap this interesting research trend in positive psychology. (info source:

【salon】本願寺オンライン仏教 第33回仏教と科学のサロンは「自我とは?」をテーマに開催されました。


Search engine for 3-D structure of proteins?

It’s a news about “AI program predicted the 3-D structure of every known protein.” You may recall class materials in biology back in high school. Different proteins have different 3-D structures that produce different functions. All solved. Really? What an accomplishment. Back then, I thought it would be super biologists in super advanced universities who