Digital Health & Innovation etc.

My name is Nori Hirahara, PhD, and I'm Associate Professor of eHealth Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). In academic settings, my work is to use ICT to improve the quality of healthcare for patients and community, while supporting innovations in healthcare industry. Trained in cognitive and decision sciences, I also have expertise in medical decision-making. I'm also known for numerous public lectures on mindfulness in leadership, cognitive science in daily life, and Buddhist psychology.

WHO I am: Expertise

Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.

WHAT I do: Work

Tracks past and current work in entrepreneurial and academic areas.

WHERE I am spotted: Activities

Shows a list that has both physical and online lectures and events where you can spot me.

【ytube】”How Did You Get Into Buddhism?” on Youtuber Rev. Sakuranbo’s channel|「Youはどうして仏教に?」僧侶Youtuber桜嵐坊師のチャンネルに出演

I once appeared on the Youtube channel of Rev. Sakuranbo, with three of my colleagues from my online salon. One of us is his old, old friend. It was surprisingly well received, and I was grateful for the invitation to appear on his channel as solo this time. For a full hour, I talked about

【conf】International Collaboration – Prof CJ from Singapore, Prof Adam from Sydney|国際コラボ目白押し~シンガポールからProf CJ、シドニーからProf Adam

Professor CJ (on right with a microphone), a good friend of mine who invited me to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya in Malaysia, was for various reasons no longer at the University of Malaya and had moved to Singapore by the time I finally stepped on Malaysian soil after the Covid-19

Pokemon! Get ’em all! (Roach? …Oh, no thanks.)

(info source: source: The Pokemon Company) According the newspaper article, the newly discovered roach was first found in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve near the center of Singapore years earlier, then with intensive DNA checks against other types, the scientists concluded it was indeed a new species: Nocticola pheromosa. I, as a Japanese, am

【salon】本願寺オンライン仏教-第37回仏教と科学のサロン「変わりゆく世界 今後の日本の立ち位置」が開催されました!


Cure for Loneliness? Cure for Misinformation?

(info source: source: Alexander Spatari/Getty Images) “We’ve adapted to feel safer and more secure when we feel like we’re not alone.” Absolutely. Loneliness, or I’d say “our perception of being lonely” to be more scientific, affects our brain that naturally impacts how we behave. And of course, the effect is damn negative all the