Digital Health & Innovation etc.

My name is Nori Hirahara, PhD, and I'm Associate Professor of eHealth Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). In academic settings, my work is to use ICT to improve the quality of healthcare for patients and community, while supporting innovations in healthcare industry. Trained in cognitive and decision sciences, I also have expertise in medical decision-making. I'm also known for numerous public lectures on mindfulness in leadership, cognitive science in daily life, and Buddhist psychology.

WHO I am: Expertise

Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.

WHAT I do: Work

Tracks past and current work in entrepreneurial and academic areas.

WHERE I am spotted: Activities

Shows a list that has both physical and online lectures and events where you can spot me.

【project】Hands-on session of our clinical registry builder for specialists|専門医のための臨床レジストリビルダーの説明会と録画

As we have previously reported, our eHealth Unit registry team at the Faculty of Medicine has been working with faculty from the Software Engineering Department to develop a system that will allow specialist doctors to design a clinical registry easily and flexibly. Now that the beta testing has been completed, we have started to put

【project】stakeholder engagement meeting for asthma app|喘息アプリのための関係者フォーカスグループ会議

On the 29th of the leap year, we had a stakeholder engagement meeting (so called focus group) with patients with chronic asthma, who are the intended users of a smartphone app that is currently being developed by our mixed team of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of

【webinar】What is “SDM”: A lecture for medical professionals and patients/families vol.1|医療者・患者/家族向けの「SDMとは」講義その1

Last night, as part of a seminar series titled “Blood Cancer Know-it-all Night” organized by CNJ (Cancer Net Japan), I gave a two-hour talk on “Shared Decision-Making (SDM),” a framework for reaching a consensus that is acceptable to both medical professionals and patients/families in a difficult decision-making setting in healthcare. I am in charge of

Deep security risk of generative AI|生成系AIの深すぎるリスク Generative AI can be a very powerful supporting tool in company operations, but it continues to be compromised with little or no thought given to security. Still, it is amazing that “81 per cent of Singaporean organisations report their employees are using generative AIs in the workplace”. Wow. workers in Singapore are basically using

【project】Beta Testing of a Generic Clinical Registry Builder|汎用臨床レジストリビルダーのベータテスト

Since last July, a very interesting, meaningful collaboration has been going on with the Software Engineering Department of Universiti Malaya, where I am affiliated. It is a rather complex project that also serves as an assignment project for PhD students there. In short, we are creating a “builder” that can help us design clinical registries

【webinar】Bioethics in healthcare research|医学研究における生命倫理

Recently, I have been touching on bioethics, or rather ethics in medical/healthcare research. Yesterday, I participated in a lunch talk, “Why the World Needs Bioethics and Why Bioethics Needs the World,” hosted by the Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) at the University of Malaya (UM) Faculty of Medicine. The lecturer was Prof. Dr. Jeffrey

Comprehensive Strategic Agreement between UNIQLO and University of Malaya|ユニクロとマラヤ大の包括的戦略協定 Late last year, the top Malaysian university and UNIQLO entered into an in-depth and comprehensive strategic partnership. I am not involved, by the way. LOL. If I were to use a Japanese analogy, it would be like the partnership between the University of Tokyo and GAP. The purpose of the partnership is “comprehensive leadership

【education】Project to develop a telehealth curriculum at a UM Faculty of Medicine|マラヤ大医学部でのtelehealthカリキュラム策定プロジェクト

We, the eHealth Unit of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya, are currently working with a team from the Medical Education and Research Development Unit, whom we often work together with, to develop a medical education curriculum on “teleheath”. Telehealth (or telemedicine as its subset) is a thing that continues to be

wasabi can boost memory function?|ワサビで記憶力増強? This is a pretty good story! It’s a report on an experiment at Tohoku University showing that Wasabi, a Japanese spice that is the pride of Japan (it’s on sushi all the time!), boosts memory in the elderly. It seems that a rare substance called 6-MSITC contained in Wasabi is responsible for this effect.