【webinar】Certificate of Appreciation for the webinar for medical students back in May|5月に行った医学部生向けwebinarの感謝状が届く

Today, I received an email from the organizer with a certificate of appreciation for the webinar for medical students hosted by UMMC (University of Malaya Medical Center) that I did in May this year. It was already half a year ago. Time flies, man. Coincidentally today, I left Japan for Malaysia for the final procedures

【project】the 2nd phase of MyCR@UM has started|MyCR@UMプロジェクト第2期開始!

The eHealth Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and a private 3rd party vendor, has completed the first phase of this MyCR@UM project, after demonstrating the web system in June and July to UM specialists interested in clinical registry research. The first phase of the project, which

【education】Steering Committee Meeting for Self-Instructional Material (SIM)|修士コース教材の開発のための広域会議

Last week we had a wide-ranging meeting regarding the production of SIMs (Self-Instructional Material) for the new Master of Digital Health course that we at the eHealth Unit have been working on for the past few years. A SIM is a series of instructional materials designed to allow students to learn at their own pace,

Implantable Brain Device Cures Epilepsy|埋め込み型脳内デバイスでてんかんを治す

It is almost a frightening scientific and technological advancement…. A medical device has been developed that dramatically reduces seizure symptoms in patients with chronic epilepsy, which until now was considered nearly impossible to cure. Although neurosurgery is required because the device is placed directly over the brain, considering the fact that patients with this condition

【project】Online Demo of Clinical Registry Building System for Specialists at UM|臨床レジストリ構築システムをUM附属病院の専門医向けにオンラインデモ

MyCR@UM, a system that allows physicians and clinical researchers to build and operate a reliable, standardized clinical registry without the knowledge of database or programming, is being developed by eHealth Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, and the Clinical Investigation Center. This project, too, is about to

【project】Smartphone app that predicts the air quality for chronic asthma patients; the final spurt!|慢性喘息患者向けスマホアプリ開発ラストスパート!

As I reported in the past, we at UM (University of Malaya) are responsible for sub-projects in ASEAN in the bigger RESPIRE project led by the University of Edinburgh Medical School in the UK. One of the projects is creating a smartphone application for chronic asthma patients to prevent asthma attacks by capturing data on

Screw the “genetic mess”!|糞くらえ「遺伝子ガチャ」!

https://www.technologynetworks.com/genomics/news/healthy-lifestyle-can-overcome-poor-genes-by-60-386316 It’s really important, daily physical activity and exercise. That is the result of a large study that found that environmental factors may reverse the effect of genetic risks for a longer or shorter life span. “The researchers maintain that their results indicate that genetic risks for a shorter lifespan may be offset by a