【education】Project to develop a telehealth curriculum at a UM Faculty of Medicine|マラヤ大医学部でのtelehealthカリキュラム策定プロジェクト

We, the eHealth Unit of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya, are currently working with a team from the Medical Education and Research Development Unit, whom we often work together with, to develop a medical education curriculum on “teleheath”. Telehealth (or telemedicine as its subset) is a thing that continues to be

【conf】International Collaboration – Prof CJ from Singapore, Prof Adam from Sydney|国際コラボ目白押し~シンガポールからProf CJ、シドニーからProf Adam

Professor CJ (on right with a microphone), a good friend of mine who invited me to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya in Malaysia, was for various reasons no longer at the University of Malaya and had moved to Singapore by the time I finally stepped on Malaysian soil after the Covid-19