Pokemon! Get ’em all! (Roach? …Oh, no thanks.)

(info source: https://gizmodo.com/singapore-roach-named-after-pokemon-nocticola-pheromosa-1850212824)(img source: The Pokemon Company) According the newspaper article, the newly discovered roach was first found in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve near the center of Singapore years earlier, then with intensive DNA checks against other types, the scientists concluded it was indeed a new species: Nocticola pheromosa. I, as a Japanese, am

Appointment of CEO at Monash University Malaysia, also Pro Vice-Chancellor at Monash Headquarter (AU)

(info source: https://www.monash.edu.my/pages/latest/articles/2023/appointment-of-chief-executive-officer-monash-university-malaysia-and-pro-vice-chancellor-and-president-malaysia ) I know. I know it’ll happen. Dato’ Professor Adeeba Kamarulzaman at UM (Universiti Malaya) is moving to her new place. It seems to me she has been on move of getting outside. So when I first saw the news, it was no surprising to me. (Her new position being CEO was

【mtg】9/26-30|Dr. Adam Dunn’s fruitful visit to eHealth Unit

A week roundup. Thank you Assoc Prof Adam Dunn of University of Sydney for the fruitful discussions and sharing sessions and giving so many great ideas. We’re looking forward to your next visit back to Malaysia. シドニー大学からAdam Dunn博士が来てくれて1週間。たくさんのセッションで多くの素晴らしいアイデアをシェアすることができました。心から感謝します。マレーシアへのまたの機会を楽しみにしております!