wasabi can boost memory function?|ワサビで記憶力増強?


This is a pretty good story! It’s a report on an experiment at Tohoku University showing that Wasabi, a Japanese spice that is the pride of Japan (it’s on sushi all the time!), boosts memory in the elderly.

It seems that a rare substance called 6-MSITC contained in Wasabi is responsible for this effect. The study says that not only did it increase short-term memory, but also long-term memory recall. Further large scale studies will be conducted in the future.

I will use this as an opportunity to recommend Wasabi to foreigners who say, “I can handle spicy food, but not Wasabi…”. Good going.

なかなかいいネタですね、これ!日本が誇る香辛料である わさびが、高齢者の記憶力を増大させるという東北大学での実験結果についてのレポートです。

わさびに含有される6-MSITCという珍しい物質が、その効果に関係あるみたいですね。短期記憶の増大 だけでなく、長期記憶の想起に関しても効果が見られたと研究は言います。今後さらなる 大規模調査が行われることでしょう。


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