【salon】Relation of religion and science to politics, especially war|宗教と科学の政治との関係、戦争責任

As usual, the small group and closed discussion space made it possible to talk about this sensitive or even radical topics, which are difficult to discuss in front of a large audience, but is extremely important, nonetheless. This online salon, where people of a certain social standing can discuss with a sense of humor in

【salon】Does Pure Land lie beyond euthanasia?|安楽死の向こうに浄土はあるのか?

It is a very serious topic, we know. However, recent enactments of laws in Switzerland and Canada that lower the hurdles for “death with dignity” will make it impossible to avoid serious discussions in Japan in the near future. In those Western countries, in addition to “bioethics” as an academic discipline, the discussion is also

【salon】How many times have we visited back? Mādhyamaka and Yogācāra!|何度目の再訪?中観と唯識!

Really, how many times have I talked with Rev. Gwen, the Go-Monshu, on this subject? However, it’s the Mādhyamaka School and the Yogācāra School as the “most fundamental religious philosophy platform of Mahayana Buddhism” that absolutely cannot be dropped, right? But unlike Tibetan Buddhism, where both doctrines can be the central talk even when it