Screw the “genetic mess”!|糞くらえ「遺伝子ガチャ」!

It’s really important, daily physical activity and exercise. That is the result of a large study that found that environmental factors may reverse the effect of genetic risks for a longer or shorter life span.

“The researchers maintain that their results indicate that genetic risks for a shorter lifespan may be offset by a favorable lifestyle by around 62%.” They say that we can practically erase no less than 60% of innate genetic risks for a shorter lifespan by our consciously designed favorable lifestyle.

This is great gospel, isn’t it? Screw the “genetic mess.” Let’s not give up on those of us with shorter life spans in our families.


「the researchers maintain that their results indicate that genetic risks for a shorter lifespan may be offset by a favorable lifestyle by around 62%」というわけで、本来 短命な遺伝子を持っている 個人でも、健康的なライフスタイルを送ることで、その遺伝の影響を実質的に60%も 削り取ることができます。

すごい福音ですよね これ!「遺伝ガチャ」なんて糞くらえ!家系的に短命な人たちも、諦めないようにしましょう。

(Photo by Sangharsh Lohakare on Unsplash

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