WHO I am: Expertise
Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.
Briefly explains Nori's profile and expertise as well as publication lists.
Shows a list that has both physical and online lectures and events where you can spot me.
From Tue. to Thu., 0830 to 1630 each day, we learnt lots of aspects of the IS, including basic concepts, the history of the development, numerous case studies (presented by the primary investigator himself!), research frameworks, theories, strategies of dissemination, stakeholder engagement, cost-effectiveness analysis…. Yes, indeed, it was a “boot camp,” man! But a good version of it. With tons of good food (and too much caffeine)!
I had a webinar for mostly academics in and out of Universiti Malaya about “embedded pragmatic clinical trials.” It was an hour-long one. I had a lot of questions beforehand so tried to answer all of them during the webinar, but left over some of them. Maybe next time I’ll take care of them.
The picture of the event I attended the other day as a panelist (the name was a bit overstated in nature, I feel). I had initially planed to go there in usual Nori style of T-shirt and casual long pants, but I went there in suits with a tie (very unusual for a man who forgets how to tie it) after having got a text regarding the dress code.
週刊少年ジャンプで連載されてアニメでも絶好調だったどこかの作品を彷彿とさせる名称ですね!でも、狙った訳ではなくて、大真面目にこのテーマが論争された歴史が真宗業界であったらしいのです。Dr. Noriの対談相手である本願寺の光輪ご門主から伺うまでは、彼もその歴史を知りませんでした。
It’s not really a lecture but was a welcoming party taken place at Faculty of Medicine Building to cerebrate the newly formed UMeHealth Unit. FoM organised this office party on the 15th February 2022 to welcome new members (Professor Dr Lee Ping Yein and me, Assoc. Professor Dr Norimichi Hirahara) to the unit and