【project】Smartphone app that predicts the air quality for chronic asthma patients; the final spurt!|慢性喘息患者向けスマホアプリ開発ラストスパート!

As I reported in the past, we at UM (University of Malaya) are responsible for sub-projects in ASEAN in the bigger RESPIRE project led by the University of Edinburgh Medical School in the UK. One of the projects is creating a smartphone application for chronic asthma patients to prevent asthma attacks by capturing data on air quality in their neighborhood.

After many remote meetings and beta testing, the final version of the app will soon be distributed (and a observational study begins). In tonight’s meeting, we discussed the issue of timing for acquiring atmospheric data provided by the Institution and the extent to which the user behaviors on the app will be acquired by us, the researchers.

The last spurt is finally underway.

過去にも報告しましたが、英国エディンバラ大学医学部がリードするRESPIREプロジェクトにおいて、我々UM(University of Malaya)はASEANでのプロジェクトを担っています。その1つとして、慢性喘息患者向けに、近隣の大気状況データを取り込み、喘息の発作を予防するためのスマフォアプリを作っています。

