【salon】Relation of religion and science to politics, especially war|宗教と科学の政治との関係、戦争責任

As usual, the small group and closed discussion space made it possible to talk about this sensitive or even radical topics, which are difficult to discuss in front of a large audience, but is extremely important, nonetheless. This online salon, where people of a certain social standing can discuss with a sense of humor in a serious but not too serious atmosphere, may be more meaningful than we previously thought.

This time, we started with “The Defeat of Science to Politics under the Covid-19” and soon moved on to “The Traditional Buddhist Organizations and War Responsibility” and “War Responsibility of Scientists.” The question, “Didn’t <studies on war> fail to develop in the behavioral and social sciences in post-war Japan because anything related to war was regarded <taboo>?” was a hit. From this perspective, I touched on the irony that “as a result, very little research emerged after WWII in Japan that would help us avoid another war thus contribute to peace-making.” This is something I strongly felt when I studied in the United States.

On the other hand, I explained that “war-related research” in the U.S. flourished after the war. In this line, I outlined the “Milgram Experiment” by legendary psychologist Dr. Stanley Milgram and the “Stanford Prison Experiment” by his disciple, Dr. Philip Zimbardo. Both dramatically shed a light on human “aggression”, “submission,” and “conformity” in unusual situations, which happen all the time in politics and war. Man, it was another intense 1.5 hours.




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