【education】Project to develop a telehealth curriculum at a UM Faculty of Medicine|マラヤ大医学部でのtelehealthカリキュラム策定プロジェクト

We, the eHealth Unit of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya, are currently working with a team from the Medical Education and Research Development Unit, whom we often work together with, to develop a medical education curriculum on “teleheath”. Telehealth (or telemedicine as its subset) is a thing that continues to be explored for its use worldwide since the spread of Covid-19. However, we all know the introduction of new technology is always accompanied by challenges. Especially in medical schools, where traditional curricula with a large number of hours are already firmly established, it is extremely difficult to feed new things into them.

Nevertheless, it would be a shame for a medical school researcher to sit on his hands, as this is a new trend that will no doubt make great strides in the future and will be a weapon to improve the quality of life of patients. That is why a task force was organized early last month around my fellow Associate Professor Vinod. Today is the third MTG and we are already moving forward at a rapid pace. I am encouraged by the Malaysian sense of enterprisingness of my colleagues, who would say, “We have a lot going on, but let’s give it a try.” Darn reliable. Let’s continue to be diligent!

現在、我々マラヤ大医学部のeHealth Unitでは、よくご一緒するMedical Education and Research Development Unitのチームと共に、「teleheath」に関する医学教育のカリキュラム策定に勤しんでいます。telehealth(またはそのsubsetとしてのtelemedicine)は、Covid-19の蔓延以降、世界的にその活用が模索され続けているもの。ただ、新しい技術の導入は常に課題を伴うものだし、特に医学部は、ただでさえ時間数の多い伝統的なカリキュラムががっちりと定まっており、そこに新しいものを食い込ませることは至難の業です。


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