【salon】Hero brain and villain brain|仏教と科学のサロンNo.52:ヒーロー脳とヴィラン脳

The other day, for the 52nd time already (…it’s been going on for so long!) at the “Buddhism and Science Salon, I had a good talk with Rev. Gwen as my partner, the head monk of Hongwanji Temple. The theme this time was “Hero Brain and Villain Brain.” Needless to say, from the Pure Land perspective, the conversation will unfold in the context of the “evil person’s righteousness,” and in cognitive science, I talked about the evidence for the “evil brain’s neuro-cognitive structure.”

Does “villain/evil” exist in the first place? Is it not, after all, just a “perception,” that is a shaky, unstable concept that floats freely between “hero/positive” depending on one’s cultural point of view? If “villains do exist,” are they “born to be one” or “becoming one”? These are big questions from philosophical, sociological, and cultural, anthropological perspectives, and I think we talked about them in all directions using the Marvel Universe in the U.S. and Japanese hero mangas (for example, “My Hero Academia,” a famous Weekly Jump serial that will soon reach its final episode) as subjects.



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