【webinar】What is “SDM”: A lecture for medical professionals and patients/families vol.1|医療者・患者/家族向けの「SDMとは」講義その1

Last night, as part of a seminar series titled “Blood Cancer Know-it-all Night” organized by CNJ (Cancer Net Japan), I gave a two-hour talk on “Shared Decision-Making (SDM),” a framework for reaching a consensus that is acceptable to both medical professionals and patients/families in a difficult decision-making setting in healthcare. I am in charge of the last two sessions of this project (serving as so-called “Tori”). I would like to devote myself to the next one as well (in March).

Last night was the first of the two serial sessions. I spoke on the theme of “How to make good decisions for individual patients before even coming to SDM.” I talked about recognizing cognitive biases in decision-making and how to avoid these traps to make its quality better. It may have been a bit difficult as it is not something you hear much about in the medical world, but I was relieved to receive feedback so positive. I look forward to seeing you next month!

昨晩は、CNJ(キャンサー・ネット・ジャパン)が主催する「血液がん知っとかナイト」と銘打たれた連続セミナーの一部として、医療者と患者/家族とが納得する合意形成に至るフレームワークである「SDM(Shared Decision-Making)」について、2時間ほど話しました。私はこの企画の最後の2回分を担当し「トリ」を務めさせてもらっています。次回(3月)も精進したいと思います。


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