Strategies for introverts in making connections

I’m a typical introvert, whether or not you believe it. As a psychological scientist I love people in general and in great details, but going out to see people especially in a big party place is completely the other thing apart. To confine myself home for 2 weeks without seeing anybody other than my family is not a pain at all. Being shut in the house and navigating Wikipedia for 12 straight hours can be a joy for me. Luckily, I have an out-going, extrovert wife. Otherwise, my kids would have limited hours of being outside with vitamin D deficiency.

Back in the US, I had a lot of problems for my shyness, fueled even more by my English proficiency as the second language. It was OK to be in a familiar group. But in a party situation where I knew few folks, I was quite awkward. To break it out, my primary strategy was to go there with close American friends of mine who already knew who I was and could positively introduce me to the surroundings. They spread my rumor in the ballroom so some new potential friends would come to me. It’s much easier.

The article mentions that hugely successful business people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg are all introverts. I see that. Their highly analytical skills and deep thinking may come from this personality trait. And they know how to surround themselves with extroverts so that they can work “as a team.” It’s damn true. Without Steve Ballmer, who was the No.3 of the earliest Microsoft endeavor, who is known an energetic extrovert, Bill could have failed to scale out his software empire.






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(img source: Getty Images)

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