【education】Steering Committee Meeting for Self-Instructional Material (SIM)|修士コース教材の開発のための広域会議

Last week we had a wide-ranging meeting regarding the production of SIMs (Self-Instructional Material) for the new Master of Digital Health course that we at the eHealth Unit have been working on for the past few years. A SIM is a series of instructional materials designed to allow students to learn at their own pace, and it’s powerful especially for online education. Since areas such as AI require help from experts outside our Unit, a wide-ranging meeting was held for the first time with members from outside the Faculty of Medicine.

The MoDH is scheduled to open in the fall of 2025, one year after the previously scheduled date due to various reasons. The members I had not seen for a long time pointed out to me that my departure from Malaysia is finally starting to count down. Yep, it sure is.

先週は、我々eHealth Unitがここ数年取り組んできた新しい修士課程コース「Master of Digital Health」のSIM(Self-Instructional Material)製作に関しての広域会議が行われました。SIMというのは要するに、学生が自分のペースで学習できるように工夫された一連の教材のことを呼びます。特にオンライン過程においては威力を発揮しますよね。AIなどの領域は、ユニット外部の専門家に助けて作る必要があるため、医学部外のメンバーも呼んで初めて広域会議を開きました。


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