【project】Smartphone app to improve the QOL of chronic asthma patients coming to a climax!|慢性喘息患者のQOL向上スマホアプリ開発いよいよ佳境に!

This project is one of the efforts at Universiti Malaya as part of the RESPIRE project led by the University of Edinburgh Medical School in the UK. We are currently in the process of reviewing the interface and core functionality of the app, and are now entering the climax of the project, incorporating feedback from the focus groups (stakeholder engagement meetings) we had the other day.

The members come from various disciplines at UM, including digital health researchers (myself included), primary care clinicians, computer science faculty, and their graduate students, but they are all focused and trouble-free. I am impressed by the fact that university faculty in Malaysia must be accustomed to this kind of collaboration. I doubt this is only possible at UM because of its excellent quality. Anyhow, we are almost there!

英国エディンバラ大学医学部がリードするRESPIREプロジェクトのUMでの取り組みの一つがこのプロジェクトです。現在、インターフェースとコア機能をUMチームで確認する作業を行っていますが、フォーカスグループ(stakeholder engagement meeting)でのフィードバックも盛り込んで、いよいよ佳境に入っています。


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