Last Friday we had a public forum organized by UM FoM and Dept of Engineering. The project is called “EMPOWeRED, ” and it stands for “Educate, Monitor, and Predict Outcomes With Research in Dengue.” Hey, a good naming! I’m part of the project team, and Dr. Chin Hai Teo from our eHealth Unit was there as one of the three presenters. (The project FB page: https://www.facebook.com/empowereddengue/ )
The aim of the project is straight-forward: To let the patients empowered with accurate knowledge on dengue fever so they can seek for professional health promptly; to let the doctors empowered with automatic AI-savvy prediction models to detect the patients who may undergo severe phases; and to let the both groups empowered with latest technology of monitoring.
It’s an on-going project and there still will be a lot more to come. Well-done, guys!