先日にパネリストとしてお招き頂いたのが、私にはちょっと大袈裟すぎる名前のイベント。でも、他のパネリストの皆さんは本当に「Great Minds」でしたけど。私はTシャツにチノパンで普通に行こうと思っていたら、主宰の医学部生リーダーから「スーツでお願いします」と(私にだけではなくて全員に送ってた)事前に連絡があり、このような格好で出席です。冒頭の錚々たるメンツの録画挨拶を見て、医学部長(ピンクドレスの女性)の参加を見て、なるほど、と胸をなでおろしました。学生さん優秀だったなあ。嬉しくなりました。FoMのFacebook記事はこちら。
The picture of the event I attended the other day as a panelist (the name was a bit overstated in nature, I feel). I had initially planed to go there in usual Nori style of T-shirt and casual long pants, but I went there in suits with a tie (very unusual for a man who forgets how to tie it) after having got a text regarding the dress code.
After I watched pre-recorded video messages of real “great minds” who have made a lot of contribution to both Malaysia and the world, I felt relieved that I followed their rule. Dean of FoM was there as well. I’m especially glad to learn these medical students who organized the meeting were in deed intelligent and with leadership. Glad to keep working with them.