【webinar】”embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCT)”

I had a webinar for mostly academics in and out of Universiti Malaya about “embedded pragmatic clinical trials.” It was an hour-long one. I had a lot of questions beforehand so tried to answer all of them during the webinar, but left over some of them. Maybe next time I’ll take care of them. Also I had a good discussion time with the audience especially Prof. Dr. Adeeba, the former Dean of FoM and the current lead of our eHealth Unit, Prof. Dr. Pang.

For those who aren’t familiar with the concept, PCT (Pragmatic Clinical Trial) is a large, efficient study conducted in the read world often involved with some types of clinical registry. It functions between clinical research and day-to-day practices so that clinicians in the fields, who often find themselves difficult to conduct pure research, can design effective studies for quality improvement of their service as well as for their publications. The lecturer introduced the concept of PCT, while giving case studies I was involved with that were successfully operated back in Japan.

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