【education】Last day of UM!|UM勤務最終日!

It’s finally here, my last day of work at the University of Malaya, and it has been a very valuable 3-year experience. My official contract was to last until December 14, but I had 25 days of “on-leave/paid leave” for this year that I had not used at all, so I decided to use these 25 days at the end of my work term. In that way I can be in Japan earlier, working to prepare for my new life there.

It really seems like a very short time…or a long time in its own way. My eHealth Unit was the newest one in the Faculty of Medicine, which was the founding department of UM, which boasts a history longer than the history of Malaysia itself. Therefore, it was rather difficult to have a presence inside and outside of the University, and there were many projects that were not completed due to the lack of budget and human resources. Nevertheless, I was able to be involved in many projects, especially in the design of the “MDH/Master of Digital Health” course and the “MyCR@UM (UM Clinical Registry System)” as a key member of two major projects.

During the three years I was there, University of Malaya further surpassed the University of Tokyo in the “World Ranking of Asian Universities”. It is certainly a world-class, elite research and educational institution with very talented students and faculty. I would like to continue my involvement from afar with a visiting faculty position. I would like to continue to be closely associated with Malaysia, a country that is a fast, growth stock in the ever-growing ASEAN, and with the Malaysian people I love, who live peacefully in their diversity.

遂にやってきた、私の国立マラヤ大学での最終勤務日!3年間の大変貴重な経験でした。本来の契約は12月14日まで続くのですが、いわゆる「on leave/有給休暇」が、今年分の25日間全く手を付けておらず、その分を最後に固めて使用することで、11月8日を最終勤務日にしたものです。そして早い目に日本に入り、新生活の準備をあれこれと進めて行こうと思っての計画です。



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