【project】Hands-on session of our clinical registry builder for specialists|専門医のための臨床レジストリビルダーの説明会と録画

As we have previously reported, our eHealth Unit registry team at the Faculty of Medicine has been working with faculty from the Software Engineering Department to develop a system that will allow specialist doctors to design a clinical registry easily and flexibly. Now that the beta testing has been completed, we have started to put the clinical registry to use as we recruit “early testers” of a nephrologist and a hematologist at the University of Malaya Medical Center. For their benefit, we recorded this session and will use it as a tutorial video. If all goes well, we should be able to proceed to the next phase of letting more specialists designing their clinical registries.

As always, we are working with graduate students from the Software Engineering Department who did the initial development and implementation, as well as programmers from a third-party vendor. A couple more steps, folks. Let’s keep up the good work!

以前にもお伝えしたように、我々医学部eHealth Unitのレジストリチームはいま、ソフトウェア工学部の教員たちと共に、専門医が臨床レジストリを簡単かつ柔軟に設計できるシステムを開発中です。ベータテストが終了したので、今度は「early tester」として、マラヤ大医学部付属病院の腎臓専門医と血液内科医とに協力してもらい、臨床レジストリの実利用を開始しました。彼らのために、今回のセッションを録画して教材とします。巧く行けば、次のフェーズではさらに多くの専門医による臨床レジストリ設計に進めるはずです。


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