【education】Farewell dinner of eHealth|eHealthお別れ会!

The day finally arrived… a farewell dinner with my excellent colleagues who worked together at UM (Universiti Malaya) for three years. Although it was called “farewell,” we had a good time for three hours talking about various topics, no different from the usual dinner, and then we ended it simply, saying “Let’s meet again” without any dampness or tears, which was very Malaysian for me.

All the key members came together. From the left to right, Dr. Chin Hai and his 2-year-old son, myself, Prof Dr. Pang (the Unit leader), Dr. Yew Kong, Caroline (the Unit secretary), Prof Dr. Ping Yein.

The place was Bangsar, a restaurant in the corner between the capital KL and Petaling Jaya, where there are many fashionable restaurants. The food was “Peranakan,” a southern Chinese dish with Malay and Tamil influences, and it was all very tasty.

Well, it was truly a very fruitful 3 years in Malaysia! Thank you all and we’ll keep in touch!

遂にこの日が…。3年間のUM(Universiti Malaya|国立マラヤ大学)で共に働いた優秀な同僚たちとのお別れ夕食です。「お別れ」とは言いながらも、いつもの会食と何ら変わらず雑多な話題で3時間ほど盛り上がり、「また会おうぜ」とあっさり、全く湿っぽくならずに解散するところが、本当にマレーシアらしくてよかったです。


場所はBangsarという、首都KLとPetaling Jayaの間ぐらいにある、しゃれた店が立ち並ぶ一角の料理屋。「Peranakan」という、マレー料理やタミル料理の影響を受けた南方の中華料理で、どれもとても美味でした。


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